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Anjali Sidana

6 benifits of Meditation you shouldn't miss

The urge to a happy and satisfied life is the only thing common in all of us humans.

But are we trying to find happiness within the right place?

“Meditation is listening to the divine within. “ – Edgar Cayce.

Meditation is the key to your restless mind. Meditation should be done by everyone to improve their mental and emotional health.

When you start to meditate you know how many things are going on in your mind and how little you are living in the present moment. You can identify your thoughts and begin to change them is the key to meditation.

Benefits of meditation

As more people discover the benefits of meditation, the popular it’s getting. Here are a few meditation benefits:

  • Meditation Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Both anxiety and depression have adverse effects physically and can bring down your immunity to viral infections, therefore meditation helps you to cope up with these problems and gives you a sense of positivity in your life. Research says that maintaining a habit of meditation may help you keep up these benefits for a long time, and benefits your performance.

  • Meditation Improves Focus

Meditation benefits your strength and makes you forbearance.

A study shows that people who practice mindfulness meditation stayed focused on a task for longer, than their peers who did not do meditation at all.

Even a 4-5 day meditation also helps a lot in building your focus and attention and improves your memory.

  • Meditation Helps fighting Addictions

Meditation benefits people to overcome powerful addictions. Meditation develops willpower and train your brain to stay happy, satisfied, and makes you feel good. Meditation makes you a master of surfing your urge.

  • Meditation Improves Cardiovascular health

One of the leading causes of death in America is cardiovascular stress. It can lead to heart disease, kidney damage, and heart strokes.

Inculcating a habit of meditation on a daily routine may help lower your risk of heart disease. Experts agree that meditation benefits heart health and reduces cardiovascular risk.

  • Meditation Enhances Immune system

Our mind is connected to all the organs in our body, especially our immune system.

The most powerful modifiers of our Immune health is achieving optimal mental and spiritual health.

Meditation benefits our immune system by making it more resistant to viruses and infections.

  • Meditation Improves Sleep

Nearly half the population suffers from insomnia at some point.

Meditation benefits you to control your runaway thoughts and helps you relax the body and mind and let go of your thoughts, Easing into restfulness.

Meditation is also known as a relaxation technique, It quiets the mind and body and enhances inner peace. It reduces heart rate and blood pressure and increases sleep quality.

Meditation Tips

It will be a little difficult when you have just started to meditate. It takes time to get into practice by continuing to do it daily without losing your motivation.

Here are some Meditation tips for the beginners:

  • Find your space

Create a meditation space, with a calm and quiet atmosphere, that will help you get in the right mood to meditate.

  • Find Time

Decide a time when your mind is ideal. When you wake up in the morning or before you go to bed at night. Put your phones and laptops aside and have a little of your peacetime.

  • Establish a routine

Having the same time and space will create consistency. You will be more relaxed with a routine.

  • Be Comfortable

The most important thing is to find a position to meditate where you will be comfortable and relaxed. You don’t have to force yourself to sit up too straight if it’s not very comforting for you.

  • Breath Naturally

Breathing deeply helps your mind and body relax. You can do the breathing exercise for 5-6 minutes.

  • Be relaxed

Let your thoughts pass by, don’t let them stick on your mind. If you think about something too much you will become restless and will not be able to relax.

  • Focus

Keep your eyes close and set your mind to a point that will help you relax.

  • Observe

Detach yourself from your thoughts, And observe them.

  • Build your practice

You can start by meditating for a few minutes daily, for like 5-10 minutes. You will slowly get into practice. It will help your mind stay still and concentrated the whole day.

The ways to meditate are as varied as meditation benefits, and all the forms of meditation have the potential to transform your life in massively positive ways.

A year of meditation will make your life happier, healthier, and more peaceful.

Meditation can be done anywhere, without special equipment. Trying out a method of meditation suited to your goals may be a good way to boost your quality of life, even if you only try it for a few minutes every day

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