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  • Ritika Bakshi

Everything About First Aid

At any second, you or somebody around you could encounter a physical issue or sickness. By utilizing first aid, you might have the option to prevent a minor incident from deteriorating. In the case of a serious medical emergency, you may save a life by using basic first aid.

First aid is nothing, but a basic medical support you give to someone when they have an injury, illness, or any kind of medical emergency.

It can also be an initial support you provide to someone till a doctor or a professional arrives. This support can help them survive until the doctor arrives. First aid is also the care provided to someone with a minor injury. For example, cut, burns, wounds, etc.

First aid is basically the medical care or support we provide to the injured or ill before the doctor treats them. First aid can be very helpful as it can help someone to survive a little longer, fight with an infection as they would be given the basic aid immediately.

First aid is the mix of common sense and simple medical procedures.

Why first aid?

First aid is important because

  • It save life: saving someone is the main objective of first aid.

  • It prevents extra harm: the person who is injured must be kept stable before the doctor arrives. This can be done by moving the individual away from harm, applying first aid, help them stay warm and dry, and making efforts to stop the bleeding.

  • It promotes recovery: this can be done by applying the bandage to the injury.

How to rehearse first aid?

ABC is the most common term used in first aid. ABC is referred to as airway, breathing, circulation, and deadly. The last step is used when there is a very serious medical emergency.

Airway: the first step is to make sure that the airway is clear. Choking, which results from the hindrance of aviation routes, can be lethal.

Breathing: Once the airways are clear, make sure that the person is breathing. And if the person can’t breathe provide him the rescue breathing.

Circulation: if the person is not able to breathe, try chest compressions, and rescue breathing. Chest compressions will help to increase the circulation. This will save you time. When the situation is not life-threatening one should always check the pulse.

Deadly bleeding/defibrillation: some people as well organizations think that applying bandage or dressing wound and defibrillation to the heart is a separate fourth stage. However, some people believe that is a part of normal first aid.

The ABC process should be carried out in the respective order. Evaluating and maintaining the process of ABC depends on the person who is giving first aid and how experienced he is. If the ABC is given properly and the person is secure, then only the first aider should move further to any other treatment.

Sometimes it's important to do a quick survey to make sure that there is no threat to the life of the injured person before stepping-in to give first aid.

To do a quick survey you quickly need to check a few things :

Danger: Before giving first aid, check if there’s any danger to the harmed or you. If there is any danger, try to find if that danger can be cleared or can the harmed be moved away from the danger. If no, then it's better to step away from the situation, and call the professions.

Response: Once you find out that there is no danger, check if the person is responding to your touch or feeling any pain. It is important to find that if they are responding to your touch or not, or feeling any pain.

Airway: You need to check that if the airway is clear or not. If the airway is clear make the harmed person lay on their back, and place your one hand on their forehead and two fingers from the other hand on their chin. Delicately tilt the head back while somewhat raising the jaw upwards. Any hindrances should be expelled from the mouth, including false teeth. Just supplement fingers into the mouth of the harmed individual if a hindrance is available.

Breathing: First aider should check if the harmed is breathing properly. You should check the chest movement and mouth for the signs of breathing. A while later, draw near to the individual to check whether air can be felt on the cheek from relaxing.

The first aider then needs to complete a secondary survey, checking for deformations, open injuries, doctor ready labels, and swellings. In the event that the harmed individual is breathing securely, complete a fast entire body check for the accompanying:

  • open injuries

  • deformations

  • clinical alarm labels educating concerning hidden conditions

  • swellings

This is called the secondary survey. When this has been finished, place the person in a recuperation position. Now the first aider should call the ambulance.

Recovery Positions

Regardless of whether the individual is breathing yet is oblivious, there is as yet a critical danger of airway. The recuperation position decreases the hazard to the patient. A first aider ought to do the accompanying:

  • On the off chance that the individual is wearing glasses, expel them.

  • Stoop close to the individual, and spot the arm closest to you at a correct point to the body.

  • Bring the other arm over the chest. Hold the rear of your hand against their closest cheek.

  • With your other hand, hold the thigh farthest from you and pull up the knee. Ensure the foot is level on the ground.

  • Gradually pull down on the raised knee, and turn the body over towards you.

  • Move the upper leg marginally, with the goal that the hip and knee are bowed at right edges. This ensures they don't roll onto their face.

  • Tenderly tilt the head back with the goal that the aviation route is kept open.

Before giving first aid to someone you need to make sure that you are protected from any contagious illness and other hazards.

  • Continuously check for perils that could put your security in danger before moving toward a wiped out or harmed individual.

  • Maintain a strategic distance from direct contact with blood, upchuck, and other organic liquids. Wear defensive hardware, for example, nitrile or vinyl gloves while treating somebody with an open injury or a breathing obstruction when performing first aid.

  • Wash your hands with cleanser and water when giving first aid.

First Aid Kit

No one can really tell when you may need to give fundamental emergency treatment. To plan for the unusual, considering putting away an all-around supplied medical aid unit in your home and vehicle. It's additionally a smart thought to have an emergency treatment pack accessible at work.

You can purchase pre-collected medical aid units from numerous emergency treatment associations, drug stores, or open-air amusement stores. On the other hand, you can make your own medical aid pack utilizing items bought from a drug store.

A first aid kit should consist of the following things :

  • adhesive bandages

  • roller bandages

  • compress dressings

  • sterile gauze pads

  • adhesive cloth/doctor tape

  • triangular bandages

  • antiseptic wipes

  • aspirin

  • acetaminophen

  • antibiotic ointments

  • hydrocortisone cream

  • calamine lotions

  • nitrile gloves

  • safety pins

  • scissors

  • tweezers

  • thermometer

  • breathing barrier

  • cold pack

  • blanket

  • first aid manual

it is also very smart to include the list of your healthcare providers, contact numbers for emergency, and prescribed medications (not necessary) in your first aid kit.You should make a first aid kit and it should be available at every place. First aid kit should

be compulsory at schools, workplaces, and homes. First aid is very important as it helps you

help the harmed in every possible way. One should have the basic knowledge of first aid.

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