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  • Anjali Sidana

Yoga Tips for Women

Yoga is the osteopathic approach to wellness which focuses on the natural tendency of your body towards health and self-healing.

Yoga is a technique of mindfulness which involves breathing and physical poses.

Yoga is beneficial for everyone, It has become a very common practice in children, athletes, and women.

Here are 5 important tips for women who do yoga:

  • Do it correctly

When you do yoga, you must do it correctly with different types of poses which are advisable by the experts.

It increases the flexibility of your body. It also improves your athletic performance, muscle strength, and tone.

  • Choosing the appropriate pose

The most important yoga tip for women is to choose a pose in which you are comfortable and a pose you are capable of doing without much distress. This is important because the wrong pose can bring a lot of discomfort and dissatisfaction while doing yoga.

  • Seek Assistance

For those women who are beginners in yoga should seek help or assistance, because it can seem very easy at the start but it's a bit difficult. Some poses may appear very easy but in reality they can be very confusing for some women to undertake.

  • Specific time for a specific pose

Another important yoga tip is that there is always a right time for a specific yoga pose.

It is important to know that some specific poses of yoga should only be done when you wake up in the morning, while some poses have no specific time, they can be carried out at any time of the day.

  • Should not be overdone

One more important tip is that yoga should not be done beyond limits. As yoga is a simple exercise people generally tend to do it for more time than it is necessary.

It should only be done for about 15-20 mins daily. Of it's overdone it will not be yoga anymore, it will be an exercise.

Yoga benefits women in several different forms, such as in the time of their menstruation cycle, in the time of pregnancy and postpartum, and also at the time of menopause. They should do yoga regularly, and keep these things in mind.

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