The pressure of blood in the arteries is known as blood pressure. The pressure is produced by the contraction of the heart vessel. Its estimation is recorded by two numbers. The principal (systolic pressure) is estimated after the heart contracts and is most elevated. The second (diastolic pressure) is estimated before the heart contracts and most minimal. A circulatory strain sleeve is utilized to measure the weight
The heart makes blood pressure by pushing out blood when it contracts with every heartbeat. blood pressure is likewise brought about by the distinction in pressure between the heart and the little parts of the arteries. The state of the arteries likewise influences the blood pressure. Read below to know more about blood pressure.
If there would be no blood pressure oxygen or nutrients would not be circulated in our body. White cells will also not be distributed in our body. Blood pressure additionally helps convey the harmful waste in our bodies through our liver and kidney.

Disorders of blood pressure
High blood pressure
High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. When blood moves through your arteries at a high pressure, it is known as high blood pressure. High blood pressure is also known as hypertension.
If your blood pressure is always high, or gets high suddenly it can cause you real problems. You have more chances of getting a heart attack, heart disease, or maybe kidney failure.
There are two types of high blood pressure-
Primary hypertension
It is also known as essential hypertension. Primary hypertension happens when there is no such cause of your high blood pressure. This is the most common type of blood pressure. It takes a lot of years to develop. It can be the result of your lifestyle, diet, routine, and changes in your body as per the time.
Secondary hypertension
In this type of hypertension the cause of blood pressure is identified. Some medicines or a health problem may cause you hypertension. Kidney problems, sleeping disorder, some medicines, thyroid/adrenal gland problems may lead to secondary hypertension.
Low blood pressure
Low blood pressure is also known as hypotension. In many cases low blood pressure causes no such problems and seems desirable, whereas in some cases it can be life-threatening.
There are mainly two of low blood pressure
Orthostatic hypotension
a sudden fall of your blood pressure when you stand up from lying down or from sitting position. It can happen due to various reasons such as dehydration, long bed rest, diabetes, heart problems, etc.
Postprandial hypotension
This drop in blood pressure happens one to two hours after eating and influences generally more established grown-ups. It usually affects people who are dealing with nervous system disorder or high blood pressure. Eating less, staying hydrated, avoiding alcohol may help you with postprandial hypotension.
Symptoms of blood pressure
Blood pressure often has no symptoms, but if it is left unchecked for a long time it can cause you some health problems. However, low blood pressure and high blood pressure both have different symptoms.
If you’re having high blood pressure you may notice various symptoms such as-
Blurred vision or vision problems
Chest pain
Heartbeat problem
Blood in urine
Feeling some kind of beating in ears, neck, or chest.
Low blood pressure may cause
Blurred vision
No concentration
If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, I would suggest you see a doctor immediately.
Causes of blood pressure
The exact reason of blood pressure may not be known, but various things play a role
Causes of high blood pressure can be
Overweight or obesity – eating more than usual, or suddenly gaining weight can cause you hypertension.
Lack of physical activity – As the title says no physical activity or less physical activity can lead to blood pressure.
Too much salt- Consuming too much in your meal can also cause blood pressure.
alcohol consumption- consuming too much alcohol can also be bad for you.
Stress- stress or shock can also result in high blood pressure.
Hereditary- blood pressure can be in your family, it can be in your genes.
Thyroid- thyroid problems may cause you blood pressure.
Sleep disorder- sleeping is the basic need of your body. Sleeping at an irregular time and no sleeping may boost your blood pressure
Causes of low blood pressure
Pregnancy - Since the circulatory framework grows quickly during pregnancy, blood pressure is probably going to drop. This is typical, and blood pressure generally comes back to your pre-pregnancy level after you've conceived an offspring.
Heart problems - Some heart conditions that can prompt low blood pressure incredibly low pulse, heart valve issues, coronary failure, and cardiovascular breakdown.
Dehydration - At the point when your body loses more water than it takes in, it can cause shortcoming, discombobulation, and weakness. Fever, regurgitating, extreme looseness of the bowels, abuse of diuretics, and arduous exercise can prompt drying out.
Lack of nutrients – Lesser nutrients in your diet can cause low blood pressure. Lack of Vitamin B and iron can cause your body to produce less red blood cells, causing low blood pressure.
Severe allergic reactions can also lead to low blood pressure.
How to prevent blood pressure?
Eating a solid eating routine.
To help deal with your blood pressure, you should control the measure of sodium(salt) that you eat, and increase the measure of potassium in your diet. It is additionally critical to eat nourishments that are lower in fat, just as a lot of organic products, vegetables, and entire grains. The DASH diet is a case of an eating plan that can assist you in lowering your blood pressure.
Getting standard exercise.
Exercise can assist you with keeping up a sound weight and lower your pulse. You should attempt to get moderate-force oxygen consuming activity at any rate 2 and a half hours out of each week, or enthusiastic power high-impact practice for 1 hour and 15 minutes out of each week. High-impact workout, for example, energetic strolling, is any activity wherein your heart pulsates more enthusiastically and you utilize more oxygen than expected.
Being at a solid weight.
Being overweight or having stoutness builds your hazard for hypertension. Keeping up a sound weight can assist you with controlling hypertension and lessen your hazard for other medical issues.
Constraining liquor.
Excess of liquor can raise your blood pressure. It includes additional calories, which may cause weight gain. Men consume close to two beverages for every day, and ladies only one.
Not smoking.
Cigarette smoking raises your heart pressure and puts you at higher hazard for heart failure and stroke. If you don't smoke, don't begin. On the off chance that you do smoke, converse with your medicinal services supplier for help in finding the most ideal route for you to stop.
Overseeing pressure.
Figuring out how to oversee pressure can improve your physical wellbeing and lower hypertension. Stress the executive's methods incorporate working out, tuning in to music, concentrating on something quiet or tranquil, and pondering.
Test for blood pressure
You should get your blood pressure checked regularly. You can get your blood pressure checked at various places such as :
From you general physician
At home( if you have a BP machine)
At some workplaces.
Blood pressure is checked by a device called a sphygmomanometer. This typically comprises a stethoscope, arm sleeve, siphon, and dial, automatic devices that utilize sensors and have a digital screen are often used these days.
There is nothing to worry about when you are getting your blood pressure checked. You just need to relax and sit down with your back straight and legs uncrossed.
During the test, a cuff will be placed around the upper arm, at the same level as the heart. The cuff will then be pumped to restrict the blood flow. It may feel a bit uncomfortable for a few seconds.
The cuff will then be released. The doctor would be using a stethoscope to measure your pulse. The pressure of your blood is measured two times. One, when the blood flow stops. And second, when blood is released in your arms.
Blood pressure results are given instantly from your physician.
If your blood pressure is unstable or out of control, you should visit a cardiologist to discuss your treatment.
If blood pressure left untreated it may lead to various problems, such as heart attack, heart problems, kidney failure, etc. You shouldn’t hesitate if you notice any symptoms of blood pressure and visit your nearest doctor as soon as possible. You may have to eat medicines or follow precautions suggested by your doctor whole-heartedly. Stay healthy!